Friday, February 25, 2011

Sweet Treats

No matter how "good" we try to be, we all crave sweets now and then and fall prey to temptation. So, if you are craving something chocolaty, sweet, yummy and ooey-gooey, try one of these treats brought to you by Cooking Light: Sweet Treats Under 150 Calories - Cooking Light

All treats listed are under 150 calories!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Hey ladies! Our competition is in full swing. We have just completed 4 weeks or 1 full month. Some of us don't seem as motivated as others...shall we increase the money amount? Everyone puts in another $10, $20 or $25??

Congrats to Amy and Cheryl!!!! Cheryl lost 9.5lbs last month and Amy lost 9lbs! Way to go girls. You are a true inspiration to the rest of us! :)

Next weigh-in is in 2 weeks. What can we do to motivate each other???

I got a new pair of tennis shoes (Nike shoes ever) and a new workout outfit. Makes me more motivated to hit the gym or go for a jog! :) Maybe a month reward to yourself will help keep you motivated. Maybe a massage or a new outfit or pedicure??

Monday, January 31, 2011

Superbowl Food Makeovers

Are you planning to attend a Supberbowl Party on Sunday and worried the snacks and foods will derail your diet? Here's 5 Superbowl favorte recipes that have been made over to to where they're lower in fat, calories, sodium, etc. but not lighted up in flavor!

Low Fat Super Bowl Recipes - Photos -

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fruits & Veggies

I just came across an article on the Cooking Light website titled 'Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.' It shows you different ways to incorporate additional fruits and veggies into your diet so you're getting your 5 servings a day.

They provide some great, no-brainer ideas like...
~ If you eat oatmeal, cereal or yogurt for breakfast,add a serving of fresh or frozen berries.
~ Making a homemade soup? Double the amount of veggies the recipe calls for!
~ Add shredded carrots or zucchini when making meatloaf or burgers. (PS - Don't tell the kids or hubby! They won't know if you don't tell! :-)
~ Pack pre-cut fruit and veggies into snack-size bags for perfectly-portioned munchies.

If you'd like to read the article in it's entirety, here you go...
Nutrition 101 - Eat More Vegetables and Fruit - Photos -

Hope you all are having a productive week so far! Give yourself a pat on the back for a great 1st 2 weeks! Way to go everyone!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fashion Update

Hi Ladies!

A quick FYI for you...I've added another tab to the blog called "Just for Fun." This is fun, interesting websites/blogs that are, well, as the name implies, just for fun. I was told about one of the blogs "Kendi Everyday" by one of my good friends. Kendi recently issued a challenge, called '30 for 30' where you take 30 different items from your closet (shirts, pants, skirts, shoes, etc.) and wear them in ways you may not have worn them before. Do you always wear the same shirt with the same pants? Well, mix it up and wear that floral top with those striped slacks! It's a great way to look at clothes/outfits in ways you didn't before. In a way, it's kinda like a remix. Looking at things just a tad bit differently. And that's a really good way to see things! Since we're dropping digits...It'll give us a chance to experiment with our clothing and try out new looks with our new bodies!

My remix for yesterday was belting a cardigan! Whoo-Hoo! I really stepped out of bounds on that one didn't I? ;-) But you know what? It was a cardigan that I wasn't quite so fond of and when I decided that I was going to add a belt to it (remember, belt at the smallest part of your waist for definition! Thank you 'What Not To Wear'!), I actually LOVED the look! And the best part, I even had several compliments on it! Today, I stepped out of my comfort zone again and changed things up...I tucked my straight leg jeans into my tall boots! First time I've ever done such a thing. I have to say, I felt oh so trendy! Very chic! I know these aren't so called 'big changes' but you know what, I'm trying new things, doing things differently than I have previously. Which honestly, is what our Biggest Loser competition is all about. We're stepping out of our comfort zone and doing things differently. Yay for us!

Hope you all have had a great week so far. Whether you've decided to eat am extra veggie a day or try that new workout dvd, you're making changes and mixing it up. And that's what this is all about.

I hope you all have a great weekend everyone! See you next Sunday!

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Cold, Hard Facts That Are Sometimes Soft & Jiggly

Hi Ladies! Hard to believe, but we're almost a the end of our first week of our Biggest Loser competition! In the first week, what changes have you made? Are you eating healthier? Incorporating more fruits/veggies/whole grains? Moving more? Taking the stairs instead of elevator/going for a lunchtime walk/hitting the gym/popping in that workout dvd? I'd love to hear what changes each of you have incorporated into your daily routines.

So, I've calculated our numbers and have the cold hard facts for each of us. Here's the digits we want to drop ;-) as well as our total percentage of weight we'd like to lose and how many pounds per month we'll need to shed in order to meet our goal weight. Now ladies, these are just goals we've given ourselves to keep us motivated. A number we want to see on the scale. Some of our goals are a pretty hard-core (I'm raising my hand!) but I'm sure that each and every one of us are going to do the very best we can to meet that goal. And having each other as a support network is going to make it that much easier! Now remember, if we don't reach our personal goal at the end of the 6 months, it doesn't mean that we lose the competition. Whoever ends up losing the highest percentage will be 'The Biggest Loser.' (Que the confetti drop! :-)

So, without further adieu....

Keep making good choices and STAY MOTIVATED! Good luck to everyone!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Official! We Have A Blog! :-)

Hi there ladies! (Amy, Beth, Chelsea, Connie, Heidi, Joy, Laura, Melanie, Rachel, Sheila and Tara)

Can you believe it? We now have our very own, official blog for our weight loss journey! I have to say, I'm super excited about this! I think it'll be a great way to keep in touch (without clogging up all of our email in-boxes!), share information (recipes, what's working/what's not, etc.), and most importantly STAYING MOTIVATED! I know for me, getting off track and unmotivated is what what has led me to jump off the wagon time and time again.

As you'll see, I've added several things to the right side of our blog. I've listed a few weight loss blogs that we can hopefully learn something from. I've actually followed a few of them before (A Merry Life, Anonymous Fat Girl, Prior Fat Girl) and they've provided some really good information. As you already know from the email I sent earlier this morning, I've added a section for 'Healthy Living.' This is where we can put links to websites that promote, of course, healthy living. If you have any blogs or websites, you'd like to add, just let me know!

Melanie shared a little tid-bit of information with me this morning that I'd like to pass along. For those of you that have smart phones (although, it's not available on my Droid :-( ), two great apps that you might like to install are: Jillian Michaels Slim Down Solution and Jillian Michaels Fitness Motivation If you already have these apps installed, whadayathink of them? Do you have other apps that you've found helpful? If so, please share!

Hope you all have a fantastic day! Keep checking back for more blog posts....